

  1. 介绍奥运会新*,英语作文?


(Olympic Games) we all know that the 10th Olympic Games will *e held in Beijing. We are very h*y to hold the Olympic Games. All Chinese people are very h*y to h*e this opportunity.

In Novem*er, the official *scot of the Beijing Olympic Games was unveiled like the Olympic rings. They drew colors and inspiration from it. These five friends passed on the official *scot of Beijing Olympic Games to children all over the world With friendship, peace and *lessing, when you spell their names together, Beijing is a fish, Jingjing is a panda, Huanhuan is the Olympic flame, Yin*ing is a Ti*etan antelope, Nini is a swallow, which means welcome to Beijing.

We h*e grown up and can do a lot of things for the Olympic Games. I want to *e a guide, *ecause this jo* can descri*e China when people say oh, China is too Great. I*#39;ll *e h*y.


I hope the Olympi* will *ke them more popular.


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